About Interactive Classroom WG

                                                     Photo with members of the Interactive Classroom Working Group (2024)

The Interactive Classroom Working Group (ICWG) was set up in 2013 and is one of European Schoolnet’s standing working groups. The ICWG’s aim is to enable education authorities to explore common areas of concern, share experience, address policy challenges related to the integration of a wide range of technologies in classrooms, and investigate their impact on teaching and learning. Every year, it explores different topics connected to the priorities and interests of its members.

The ICWG regularly develops and publishes recommendations, guidelines, best practices, and resources based on:

  • Desk research and analysis conducted in collaboration with researchers.
  • Collecting experiences from schools, teachers, and students through online surveys, interviews, and classroom observations in different countries.
  • Examples and case studies from other countries and educational systems across the world.

Previously, the ICWG has investigated topics such as the pedagogical use of mobile devices and K-12 cloud services, personalised learning, bring your own device (BYOD) approaches, design of innovative learning spaces, creation and use of Makerspaces in schools. The group has also taken stock of what was experienced during the COVID-19 schooling disruption, the related lessons learnt, and indications for a more effective use of technology in remote, blended as well as face-to face learning modalities, focusing also on the accessibility and inclusivity of a high-quality education for all.