The Airbus Foundation

The Foundation supports the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4, ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education.

We hope to inspire young people to develop a curiosity to learn, to work towards their aspirations and to contribute as constructive global citizens.

In that regard, the Foundation creates inspirational STEAM material and tools, which respond to the objectives of educators and science communicators, available on the Airbus Foundation Discovery Space platform.

Our various resources enable students to:

  • Be inspired and empowered to face the new emerging challenges
  • Develop key ‘soft’ skills that will help them in the future

The Airbus Foundation Discovery Space addresses three age categories:

  • Discover (8-12 y.o.): animations and booklets exploring five main topics: Mission to the moon, Science of flight, Future of the skies, Satellites are fascinating and Helicopters in emergency situations.
  • Experiment (12-14 y.o.): simple videos to understand how things work in a practical way, from rocket propulsion to maths puzzles.
  • Inspire (14-18 y.o.): A self-development booklet, The guide to becoming yourself, addressing topics such as self-care, collaboration, tackling misinformation, biases, cybersecurity, engagement, etc.; a video series "Between Teenagers" enabling young people to foster meaningful conversations about prejudices and stereotypes, online safety, and their futures; and FAIR ENOUGH, a tool to develop critical thinking about artificial intelligence (AI).

All the content can be used individually or with an educator/mentor.

To find out more: