European Schoolnet's Future Classroom Lab (FCL) has inspired several teachers, schools, and organisations to create their own "Learning Labs" or to enhance their learning spaces. Moreover, other independent, similar initiatives have shown interest to link up with FCL to develop their concept and exchange ideas. To link these difference initiatives together Future Classroom Lab has created an open network of Innovative Learning Labs.

What is a Learning Lab?
All the Learning Labs are independent initiatives, often inspired by the original Future Classroom Lab created by European Schoolnet in Brussels. All Learning Labs are unique and different since they have been created and adapted to the local context and to provide for local needs. However, the main ideas of the Future Classroom Lab are present in most cases, such as the integration and/or modification of the FCL learning zones. The criteria suggests that a Learning Lab:
- is a flexible learning space and allows for easy reconfiguration according to the needs of the learning activity. It allows for easy and flexible repositioning of learners and teachers.
- has a mission to host innovative learning. Learning activities taking place in the learning lab aim to incorporate new visions on pedagogy, 21st Century Skills, and technology-enhanced learning.
- welcomes a variety of activities taking place. It is a place for learning activities and trainings, but also for meetings and discussions about education. A learning lab is a place for practice but also for reflection.
- aims to involve and to connect to different stakeholders. It creates a dialogue between teachers, school leaders, policymakers, commercial partners, students, parents, etc.
- encourages for an open culture, e.g. teachers can observe each other's lessons and provide mentoring. Students use the learning lab to take part in collaborative projects and activities, connecting with students from other schools.
- can be an inspirational lighthouse for the area (e.g. for other schools in the region).

Types of Learning Labs
- ‘Professional' learning labs: These labs have usually an extended target audience, strong management (incl. clear vision and organisation support), and a strong connection with commercial partners.
- School-based learning labs: These labs are embedded in schools, they have a more limited target audience (e.g. students and teachers) and usually less commercial partners.
- Industry-based learning labs: created by commercial entities to showcase their technology through training and interactive hands-on presentations.
The size of the space, amount of technology or the number of commercial partners is not crucial. What is important for a Learning Lab help rethink teaching and learning, promote innovative pedagogies, and support the competences of both students and teaching staff to use technology in schools in a sustainable way.
The Network of Innovative Learning Labs and Spaces
The Network of Innovative Learning Labs is an open network, led by European Schoolnet, which welcomes different learning labs and spaces to join and exchange together on different issues like learning lab management, cooperation with commercial partners and industry, teacher training activities, etc. Member Learning Labs receive regular information about European Schoolnet’s activities, have the chance to participate in ad-hoc meetings and events, share information and updates with the other labs, and communicate their work with the broader European Schoolnet community.
The labs that meet the criteria described above, are welcome to join the network. There is no membership fee. The network members can use FCL branding (as long as it's credited) and a special membership badge indicating their connection with the FCL.
Join The Network of Innovative Learning Labs
If you are interested to join, please fill in this form.