PASCO scientific has been creating hands-on education tools since 1964. PASCO’s mission is to advance STEM literacy in primary, secondary, and higher education with innovative ways to teach and learn science. PASCO continually pushes the limits of modern technology so educators can push students to their fullest potentials. Today, educators and students utilize PASCO solutions in more than 100 countries.
PASCO's team is made up of educators, scientists, educational researchers, engineers, and other steadfast professionals, all committed to inspiring the next generation of science learners. PASCO helps create active learning environments where teachers and students work creatively and collaboratively to explore the wonders of the world around them. With more accessible methods of learning science, students can have authentic connections with core concepts, so they can be more confident and purposeful in future science pursuits.
PASCO’s Vision for the Science Labs of Tomorrow
Science can be difficult for students to grasp, especially with old-school approaches of book-lecturing and rote-memorization. PASCO scientific envisions classrooms that bolster students’ natural curiosities about their surroundings. The PASCO team hopes to initiate new opportunities for students to think like scientists, so they seek further scientific inquiry in their careers.
PASCO's solutions are designed for seamless integration into the classroom. PASCO resources are flexible to fit educator needs, including YouTube™ how-to’s, free ready-to-go lab experiment print-outs, complete year-long lesson plans of Physics and Chemistry curriculum, and so much more.
Wireless Sensors Streamline Setup
PASCO wireless Bluetooth® sensors allow students to conduct experiments with quick setup and minimal physical constraints. Now, students (and teachers!) can focus on the lesson, without being preoccupied by external steps and technological limitations. SPARKvue is compatible with every computing device, both desktop and mobile. The sensors stream live data directly to PASCO software, so students can actively measure the science phenomena happening right in front of them. This way, students hold a personal stake in the experiment, and they are more likely to be invested in whether the data aligns with their hypothesis.
Introducing Computational Thinking into Classrooms
Students can explore the interdisciplinary side of science with Blockly coding embedded within PASCO software. Students tap into their creativity, design, and problem-solving skills when they engage with STEM Sense & Control Kits. The PASCO team is especially excited to see the students’ imaginative solutions using coding in robotics, environmental science, civil engineering, and more!