The Novigado Scenario Tool guides you in building learning scenarios and practical lesson plans that support active learning pedagogy. The tool offers ready-made activities to build your lesson plan, as well as some adjustable examples of full scenarios. The tool gives you the freedom to adapt the offered suggestions, as well as to start from scratch.

The four Cs of Education
For many years, schools and teachers are aware of the importance of 21st Century skills. They empower students to be successful in the new global society. Four of them are named by experts the super skills. We call them the Cs of Education.
Learn more about the four C's
The activity categories
The scenario tool categorises classroom activities into 6 types. When adding an activity to the scenario, it will be mandatory to start from selecting one of these categories.
Delve into the categories
The spatial parameters
Traditional teaching took place in a fixed classroom configuration with stereotyped roles for teacher and learners. Nowadays more spatial parameters apply together with different learning formats.
Discover the spatial parameters
The Tools & Technologies
To organise learning activities, you may want to make use of tools or equipment. Educational technologies, if applied well, have the potential to create new opportunities and upgrade the level of involvement.
See our full list of tools