Vernier Science Education co-founder, Dave Vernier, had been a high school physics and physical science teacher when he began programming his first Precision Timer software application. Dave’s early years of teaching in an underserved school in Cleveland, Ohio, taught him that students gain a deeper understanding of science through a combination of daily demonstrations and highly interactive experiments. It was this discovery that drove Dave to spend his summers trying to come up with new teaching tools to use in the classroom. Dave’s creativity and his passion for science education, combined with the business acumen of his wife and Vernier co-founder Christine, were the driving forces behind the start of Vernier Science Education in 1981. Supporting science educators by providing tools that help them teach students more effectively has been a guiding principle at Vernier since the very beginning, and it remains so today.
We offer a full line of award-winning interfaces, sensors, software, and lab books to help engage and excite students through hands-on scientific investigation. Our equipment and lessons are used in k-12 and university classrooms in over 150 countries. Our team of over 100 employees, comprised of many former educators, is committed to creating world-class probeware, software, and lab equipment to utilize in classrooms and laboratories of every level to teach critical scientific concepts, encourage scientific problem-solving, and support a love of science in students and educators alike.
Whether you’re looking for cutting-edge technology to support your chemistry, physics, biology, or engineering labs, there’s a Vernier solution appropriate for every age level. Our solutions support educators to help students understand and engage with science concepts more successfully. To provide educators with additional encouragement and contribute to their careers, we offer them unparalleled support, training, and professional development. The dedication of today’s science teachers continues to inspire us and drives every facet of our product development.
Data logging solutions
Vernier is a world-class manufacturer of data logging solutions for secondary schools and universities across the globe. The nexus of its product range is the data logger and graphical analysis software supported by over 80 different sensors. the LabQuest 3 (a hand-held data logger) is designed to make science intuitive and experiments easy to follow and fun to do. With clear, unambiguous displays, the LabQuest 3 has been shown in academic studies to not only enthuse students, but encourage them to pursue science as a career.
Vernier's philosophy is connected science; connection between teacher and students and students themselves. Therefore, the pedagogical solution is one that allows student share in the experimental data through connection directly with LabQuest 3, or their own device. Vernier builds on constructivist and inquiry-based learning and moves away from the traditional transmission of learning approach. Students are given ownership of their own or shared data and put at the centre of the learning process, hence they are given the power over their own learning and guided through the cognitive process of conceptualisation and understanding in their own way, and at their pace. The rapid collection of data gives the teacher more time to spend analysing and explaining what the data means, and less time taken up drawing graphs. The pedagogical benefits also extend to the accuracy and speed of data collection, allowing experiments to be conducted in a time frame that captures and maintains the interest of the students.
For further information, visit our website at www.vernier.com