Our BIL was the first innovative learning environment of our school network and also of our district. It was inaugurated on May 29, 2019. It was created for students from kindergarten through high school and also for teacher training. The original intention was to create BIL for students with specific needs. We didn't want a sensory space, but we wanted it to be sensory as well. For that we acquired specific equipment to be used by students with specific needs.
Our group of schools participates in several Erasmus+ projects and BIL is used to host students and teachers in mobility programs and to develop project activities.
The BIL has a 2 x 6 m writing wall that can also be used for projection and interaction. It has two 4K interactive screens (one with the ability to stand horizontally and serve as an interactive table), a 3D smartTV, Playstation VR, 3D printer, portable interactive projector, chroma key, mini-Bots, Blue-bot, InO-bot, Pro-Bot, Spike, sound system, tablets, personal computers and many other equipment. All the equipment combined with the reconfigurable furniture and the comfort of puffs, sofas and chairs, make BIL a very interesting room for students and teachers. The capacity of the room is 20 students. It can host more but in this case, its functionality will be reduced.
Commercial partnership
We don´t work with commercial partners.
More information
• Marco Fernandes, Director (email: direcao@ae-fa.pt)
• Maria José Rodrigues, Deputy director (email: f462@ae-fa.pt)
Estrada nacional 16, 6370-147 Fornos de Algodres, Portugal