CEIP Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar

All centres have a personality and a characteristic style that gives them an identity of their own. In our case, there are several aspects that define us as a centre and make CEIP Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar a unique space.

First of all, the educational community of our school is an involved and restless group that seeks to generate synergies of progress and dynamism that facilitate the path of personal growth for our students. This committed spirit is what leads us to develop different plans, programmes and activities that we consider essential and that are raised around the interests, needs and motivations of students, such as the promotion of:

  • equality between men and women in education;
  • environmental education;
  • the integration of new technologies in daily life;
  • peaceful coexistence.

The use of the natural spaces of the centre: orchard, olive grove and the Almodovar Garden.

Active participation in solidarity initiatives (more than 10,000 € donated in the last 4 years).

The enjoyment of reading and the use of the school library "Magic Corner".

Our methodology is based on putting students at the centre of their learning, with active methodologies such as Project Based Learning and the ABN method in mathematics, being also common the cooperative work and the promotion of gamification as a common thread of learning.

Supported by technology, as an inherent reality of the times we live in and as a learning need for the future of our students, we have been using Google Workspace tools in our daily work for more than 6 years and we rely on a wide range of devices accessible to all Almodovar students.

Partnership: -

Address: Av. del Junquillo, s/n, 41909 Salteras, Sevilla, Spain

Contact: Headmaster/headmistress - direccion@ceipalmodovar.es

Website: https://view.genial.ly/61ee6ab64ddc500013e9a848/presentation-aula-del-futuro