CEIP Ciudad de Badajoz

The proposal of the Future Classroom Lab of CEIP Ciudad de Badajoz is based on the need for a methodological change, moving from traditional teaching to an approach based on active methodologies and making a responsible use of technology. As Guillermo Medrano would say "technology without pedagogy is junk".

For this reason we have created a multipurpose space, equipped with versatile furniture, differentiating the different areas of the FCL, in which we implement Challenge Based Learning, Project Based Learning and STEAM.

Our proposal does not end here. We intend to restructure other spaces in order to extrapolate this teaching to different classrooms and different areas of the centre.

Partnership: -

Address: C/ El Cerezo, 1, 06011 Badajoz, Spain

Contact: Headmaster/headmistress - ceip.llera@edu.juntaex.es

Website: https://sites.google.com/educarex.es/ceipciudaddebadajoz/nuestro-centro