CEIP El Manantial (VER NOTAS)

This educational centre currently has about 500 students in Kindergarten, Primary Education and Special Education. One of the main pillars and axes that inspire the operation of the centre are, among others, the critical analysis of the digital culture, evaluating its benefits and risks and promoting an ethical and responsible use. To this end, and within the digital commission, the Future Classroom Lab is arbitrated and developed with the intention of incorporating active methodologies and the use of technologies for learning.

CREATE, INTERACT, PRESENT, RESEARCH, EXCHANGE and DEVELOP are the areas that make up the Future Classroom Lab, which invite both teachers and students to build teaching and learning in a collaborative and useful way.

Partnership: -

Address: C/ Estacada de la Iglesia, s/n, 41930 Bormujos, Sevilla, Spain 

Contact: Headmaster/headmistress - 41008911.edu@juntadeandalucia.es

Website: https://ceipelmanantial.wixsite.com/ceipelmanantial