Our project arises thanks to a 2020 Management Project that has as its axis the importance of new technologies and consensus to make decisions. After analysing the centre's spaces, it was decided to enable two classrooms to form a functional Future Classroom Lab. The main objective was to make physical changes in the spaces in order to modify the methodologies used with our students, seeking innovation, favouring digital competence, active sessions and, in short, another less orthodox way of working in the centre.
We have enabled the different areas of the Future Classroom Lab but we have sought the ability to meet the variety of learning situations and the versatility of space, thanks to furniture that makes it possible, allowing flexibility between areas for when we need it.
Partnership: -
Address: Av. Amelia Sánchez de Alcázar 8, 18690, Almuñécar, Granada, Spain
Contact: Headmaster/headmistress - 18601205.edu@juntadeandalucia.es
Website: https://blogsaverroes.juntadeandalucia.es/colegiolanoria/aula-del-futuro/