CEIP La Patacona

From its inception until 2018, the school operated using more traditional methodologies and with a large presence of textbooks. Despite this, the academic results of the student body were good.

First the Future Classroom Lab. CEIP La Patacona
Even so, in the 2018-2019 academic year, it was decided to bet on a change of look at childhood that affects both the Infant and Primary stages. To this end, the teaching staff starts different training processes focused on the implementation of active methodologies, the use of technology and the transformation of educational spaces.

Second the Future Classroom Lab. CEIP La Patacona
This whole process has culminated, among others, with the creation of two Future Classroom Lab and a Spacemaker of Fablab.

Currently, the centre works by grouping different areas and working through interdisciplinary projects, which are carried out in the Future Classroom Lab created. To this end, the schedules of each group have been organised in such a way that, on a weekly basis, they can attend between 5-7 sessions to work in these classrooms.

Partnership: -

Address: Av. de la Sierra Calderona, 1, 46120 Alboraya, Valencia, Spain

Contact: Headmaster/headmistress - 46026354@edu.gva.es 

Website: https://portal.edu.gva.es/ceiplapatacona/aula-del-futuro/