CEIP Maestro Antonio Rodríguez Jiménez

Our centre, CEIP Maestro Antonio Rodríguez Jiménez, is the first school and centre in our location (San José de la Rinconada, Seville) to create a space for the development of STEAM activities as we are committed to active methodologies that promote the integration of robotics and ICT in our daily lives with a view to the future.

In this centre, with about 300 students, we launched the creation of our Future Classroom Lab in the 2020/2021 academic year. After much effort and dedication, we managed to establish spaces, acquire materials, programme activities, etc. that would move the entire educational community, but mainly our students towards the learning of robotics, computational thinking, etc. within our FCL.

Today, this space has become the favorite of our students and has been a seed that drives the promotion of digital competences for students, teachers and families. We are constantly training in new technologies and STEAM, taking courses from INTEF, CEP de Andalucía, etc. It should also be noted that since the 2021 academic year, CEIP Maestro Antonio Rodríguez is registered in the "STEAM Project: robotics applied in the classroom" promoted by the Junta de Andalucía and actively participates in this project.

Affectionately, we know our school as M.A.R., and we can proudly say that: M.A.R. MOVES WITH STEAM.

Partnership: -

Address: C/ Galileo Galilei s/n, 41300, San José de la Rinconada, Sevilla, Spain

Contact: Headmaster/headmistress - 41003698.edu@juntadeandalucia.es

Website: https://blogsaverroes.juntadeandalucia.es/ceipmaestroantoniorodriguez/