CEIP Manuel Jesús Romero Muñoz has opted for the use of active methodologies for the development of student competencies and to provide an appropriate educational response that caters to diversity and different interests thanks to the possibilities offered by technological resources and space. In the Future Classroom Lab, all kinds of projects are developed and carried out through different types of activities: create, investigate, develop, present, etc.
We can say that the Future Classroom Lab at CEIP Manuel Jesús Romero Muñoz is an innovative and highly motivating experience for the entire educational community.
Partnership: -
Address: Avenida de la Constitución s/n, 06230, Los Santos de Maimona, Badajoz, Spain
Contact: Headmaster/headmistress - cp.jesusromeromunoz@educarex.es
Website: https://auladelfuturoceipmjesusromeromunoz.wordpress.com/