Our centre is located in the Barriada del Torrejón, integrated by different ethnic groups and a population with particular characteristics. Likewise, our students have some peculiar characteristics, with deficiencies in the use of ICT, RRSS and social skills. Therefore, we thought it appropriate to focus our work on a curricular project based on knowledge and acquisition, not only of content, but especially of values based on the proper use of technologies as a communication tool and reinforcement of the teaching-learning process, which is integrated into the daily life of our center as an accessible and necessary element, constantly seeking attractive and innovative methodologies while effective. With our Educational Project we intend to promote integral development, compensating social, cultural and educational inequalities.
With the "Future Classroom Lab: robotics" in CEIP Onuba, we are promoting the good use of technologies, also relating it to the other plans and programs that are carried out in the center, working specifically in each of the six areas in which the classroom is divided, covering a wide range of learning. Likewise, our aim is to bring our students closer to the development of computational thinking, programming and the handling of different materials focused on robotics: floor robots, microbit cards, 3D printers, robots, legos, etc.
For us it is being very important its implementation in the center because we are surrounded by technology and it is part of our daily life. This program highlights the importance of integrating key competencies in an effective and real way through its application in the daily lives of our families, students and teachers.
Partnership: -
Address: C/ Margarita, 1, 21005 Huelva, Spain
Contact: Headmaster/headmistress - ceip.onuba@gmail.com
Website: https://ceiponubaarcoiris.blogspot.com/search/label/Aula%20del%20Futuro