Our centre has a Future Classroom Lab that follows the model proposed by INTEF with six learning areas that aim to promote and stimulate the teaching and learning processes, making the student the protagonist of the whole process: the student investigates, interacts, exchanges, develops, creates and presents.
The involvement of the teaching staff is being fundamental, since the teaching staff is being trained to improve their digital teaching competence and to be able to give an adequate response to this new challenge, developing in this new space learning situations that allow the implementation of active methodologies and the learning competence of our students from Kindergarten.
The development of STEAM methodologies, Project Based Learning and the incorporation of programming language are strategies that join an innovative, flexible and multipurpose space that enriches the quality of education in our centre.
Partnership: -
Address: Av. Pintor Ginés Parra, 0, 04738 La Gangosa, Almería
Contact: Headmaster/headmistress - 04006161.edu@juntadeandalucia.es
Website: https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/averroes/centros-tic/04006161/helvia/sitio/index.cgi?wid_seccion=20