CEIP San José de Calasanz

The project was born at the end of the academic year 2020/2021 during the development of the Digital Education Project of the centre. Framed within a working seminar with the Faculty of Teacher Training of Cáceres and the Training Teacher Center of Zafra called "Digital Education Project (PED) for the transformation of the educational ecosystem".

The creation of the Future Classroom Lab is one of the priority objectives set in our PED as well as the achievement of the Digital Teaching Competence at the B2 level stipulated in the document Common Framework of Digital Teaching Competence of INTEF

This project becomes a proposal for joint work at all levels of the school for the teaching of the contents of the different learning areas. We intend that teaching is developed through meaningful learning, participatory work of students and problem solving using active methodologies.

We embark on it because we have the space, the desire and the support of the entire educational community for its development.

Partnership: -

Address: Avenida de Plasencia, 1 10693 Riolobos, Cáceres 

Contact:  Headmaster/headmistress - cp.sanjosedecalasanzriolob@edu.juntaex.es 

Website: https://sites.google.com/educarex.es/adf-riolobos/inicio