CEIP Santa Ana, Pedrezuela, Madrid

The C.E.I.P. Santa Ana is an educational centre located in the town of Pedrezuela, 44 km from Madrid. It sits on the slope of a hill that borders El Vellón to the north, San Agustín del Guadalix to the south, El Vellón and El Molar to the east and Guadalix de la Sierra and Colmenar Viejo to the west. Thus, the centre is located in a rural environment with a population of 6,150 inhabitants according to the last census of 2020.

It is a public school that teaches the second cycle of Pre-primary Education and the whole stage of Primary Education. The center is of line two and has more than 440 students enrolled. We understand education as an objective in which all the members of the Educational Community participate: teachers, families, students and non-teaching staff; defending freedom that by law are recognized to all of us and trying to form people for life.

It uses active methodologies in its two stages (learning inspired by Montessori, cooperative learning, project-based learning...) and shows great sensitivity towards the attention to the diversity of its students. It has a proposal for the integration of ICT in the usual practice through the development of the Future Classroom Lab project, which makes use of different spaces to promote activities of different nature (create, develop, investigate, etc.).

Partnership: -

Address: C. del Polideportivo, 6, 28723 Pedrezuela, Madrid

Contact: Headmaster/headmistress - cp.santaana.pedrezuela@educa.madrid.org

Website: https://colegiobilinguesantaana.es/eventos-y-experiencias/aula-xxi/