Centro de Profesores de Lebrija

The Training teachers center of Lebrija serves teachers in the area of Bajo Guadalquivir. It is composed of a diversity of centers and students ranging from large schools with more than 1000 students to schools in small villages with unitary classes of 6 students. Since June 2021 we have had the Future Classroom Lab at the disposal of the educational community.
Since then, many training activities have been developed and we have helped many schools to dream about the creation and implementation of their own FCL. We have an implementation itinerary that supports us in this process. We are delighted to be a reference for the FCL in the area. 

Partnership: -

Address: C/ Huracán, 35, 41740 Lebrija, Sevilla, Spain

Website: https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/educacion/portals/web/cep-lebrija