Google Education and Acer asked European Schoolnet (EUN) to conduct an evaluation programme on the use of Acer Chromebooks and Google tools in classrooms, together with a professional development programme for the teachers involved. 12 teachers were specially selected from the Netherlands, Spain, and the UK to take part in the evaluation.
The aim of the evaluation programme was to explore the impact of Acer Chromebooks and the associated Google tools such as the management console on both the pedagogical and administrative processes in the classroom and school.
Initially, the selected teachers were trained to create innovative learning scenarios that include the Chromebooks and associated Google tools. Scenarios could be anything from moving learning outside of the classroom to personalising the learning for every student. Subsequently, they developed concrete learning activities that support these scenarios.
As part of the programme, the teachers tested out the scenarios and activities and developed resources that helped other teachers put the Chromebooks to pedagogically effective use.
A set of teacher-created resources that support the scenarios and activities piloted are available here, along with their school blogs and the final evaluation report.
The programme involved 12 teachers from 6 schools in Spain, Netherlands and the UK. At each school 2 teachers participated. At the level of secondary schools, the two teachers taught different subjects. The schools and teachers were selected by Acer and Google.
School blogs
- Elgoibar Ikastola, Spain
- Compton Church of England Primary School, UK
- Filey Junior School, UK
- CSG De Waard, The Netherlands
The pilot projects runs over a period of 12 months from January to December 2015. It's separated into three phases:
- Phase 1 provides the schools with the resources and training to embark on the piloting activity. Furthermore, during Phase 1, data is collected about classroom practices before the adoption of Chromebooks.
- Phase 2 consists of the piloting phase in which the teachers pilot the scenarios developed during Phase 1.
- In Phase 3, data is collected about any potential changes to classroom practice as well as technology administration and management, the evaluation report is drafted and a package of resources that support other teachers is developed and presented to a larger audience.
Results and outcomes
- Final evaluation report (including school case studies)
- Classroom scenarios created by the teachers
- Webinar on the results, 9 December 2015 (see below)
- Videos
Roger Blamire explains in this video the evaluation main findings {coming soon}
Chromebook pilot: Findings and results - 8 Dec 2015 (ppt) from European Schoolnet
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