Novigado BLOG

Active learning blog

The Active Learning Blog created by the Novigado project focuses on active learning, innovative learning spaces and integration of ICT in present and future classrooms and schools. In this blog we will read stories written by the project partners, Future Classroom Ambassadors, FCL network labs, teacher trainers, invited experts, etc. If you would like to submit a story to be published, please send it to


During the Novigado MOOC “Active Learning and Innovative Teaching in Flexible Learning Spaces" (January-February 2022), the participants needed to create a lesson plan as a course assignment. They were also offered the opportunity to submit their lesson plan for duration, and if selected, to be published at the Future Classroom Lab resource directory. A total of 113 lesson plan submissions were...

The Novigado project has collected and produced many different kind of resources about active learning over the past two years. These resources have been are added in the Future Classroom Lab's resource directory to ensure a centralised storage and indexing system.In the FCL directory you can browse the content by type, by topic or search according to certain type of technology, if you have one...

Our main goal for Novigado was to quit the teacher-centered system and to move to the student-centered system. It was among our goals for students to create products using technology and for them to continue these products in cooperation with their friends. The project has helped students learn the subject more easily and to connect with technology more closely.We think the project has...

In this project we understood that students learn better when they are in the learning center, because they take their learning responsibilities. With these new methods they both learn and have fun. Meanwhile, for teachers it was more enjoyable and easier to teach. In this scenario, we tried to use every learning area and we used different methods and techniques to foster their...

We discovered that students learn better when they take responsibility for their own learning. Through these innovative and different learning methods we observed that it was easier to involve students in the lessons. Throughout the scenario, we paid attention to the use of different learning areas, the active participation of students in the lesson, the use of different methods...

The Novigado project is more comprehensive than other projects. With its general aims, principles and method of application it addresses the need for radical changes in the education system. In the current education system, only successful students take an active role, while with active learning, everyone takes responsibility and increases the efficiency of education. Within the...

The project made it easier for students to take an active role in the education process. Student motivation was higher than with traditional methods. It encouraged the use of digital tools in education. The learning was more long-lasting. Collaboration of students in different fields also reduced in-class discipline problems. In the scenarios we prepared, we carried out...

This Novigado webinar took place on Friday 21 January 2022, and made us discover a Turkish learning lab called FCL Mosaic, part of the Feride Bekçioğlu secondary school, in Ankara.The presenter, Ayşegül Soner, told about the process of developing the FCL Mosaic as a flexible learning space and what benefits it has offered to the students and teachers. She also explained how the learning...

Social Reading is about people wanting to share what they have read with other people and receive feedback about their thoughts and ideas. Technology is the great enabler for Social Reading (source: Tame The Web). In this article Michele Gabbanelli, the co-lead FCL Ambassador in Italy explores this concept by explaining its advantages and by showing some examples. In time of quarantine...

  The Novigado webinar on 13 October took us to discover the key points of the recent Novigado publication on learning space innovations and active learning! Find the webinar recording here. The Guidelines in Learning Space Innovations were created based on a desk research and literature review on flexible and innovative learning environments, and on teachers' and students'...

In this series of articles, you find some contributions of the Future Classroom Ambassadors who support the local teacher community in their country.  They share ideas that will be inspiring for the European and global community of teachers in this new learning landscape. Author: Boglárka Tóth– FCL Ambassador Hungary   The pandemic was and still is a difficult time for...

by Marco Bento, the School of Education of Coimbra and the Research, Education, Training and Intervention Centre (ESEC) In an era when learning happens anytime and everywhere, are we aware of how much is the use of technology massively needed in education? Today, the pandemic has accelerated this process. However, even if the use of technology in an educational context has over...

In October 2019, the European Commission's School Education Gateway platform focused on learning spaces - Find here some of the articles and published resources! Articles: Practice article featuring different European projects: Learning spaces and how to modify them (in 23 languages) Interview with Karen Könings, Associate Professor at Maastricht University, about participatory...

How to assess students skills in project based learning scenarios? The "Fair" makes it much easier, efficient and dynamic!  A fair-like assessment scenario is basically a chance for all the groups to present at the same time. The visitors are mainly project members but can also be outsiders. In the first part of the scenario, half of the class build a stand and present their project....

To suit the 21st century, more and more educators and policy-makers are calling for a shift in teaching methods and education content towards student-centred, active learning. Critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity – the 4Cs– are the “super skills” which are essential for successful learning, teaching, assessment, working and living in today’s digital economy. How...

In this article we are going to introduce you to Makerspaces, which are designed to empower students with transversal skills. The article is based on EUN’s practical guidelines “Makerspaces in Schools”. Makerspaces are a particular type of learning environment aimed for hands-on collaborative, creative work and are a fairly recent addition to some schools in Europe and worldwide. School...

Future Classroom Lab and Novigado are happy to introduce you to the new Learning Scenario Tool. Build your own scenario from scratch or explore ready-made activities and adjustable examples that will help you create your scenarios for active learning in your classroom. Want to know more? The tool is already available on the Future Classroom Lab website! The Novigado scenario tool helps...

The 21st-century classroom benefits learning through an innovative and flexible design, moving from a teacher-centered to a student-centered space. However, in classroom design, we often focus on students’ needs. Isn’t it about time to consider how can teachers thrive in their classrooms, too? This is what Lennie Scott-Webber ponders in her recent article, which has inspired us for this blog...

Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash Novigado invited different stakeholders to respond to the two questions: How should active learning look like in a school? What would you recommend to teachers? Here, Ahmet Göçen, Assistant Professor in Harran University Education Faculty in Turkey, shares his perspective on how active learning should look like in schools. According to Ahmet, active...

In the educational context there has been a growing interest in learning spaces, motivating the term "learning environment" mean much more than “the physical space in which learning takes place; to encompass both pedagogical and psychosocial elements of such environments” [1]. This article will address the issue of quality/environmental parameters to be considered when (re)building flexible...

Photo by Thor Alvis on Unsplash Novigado invited different stakeholders to respond to the two questions: How should active learning look like in a school? What would you recommend to teachers? Here, Malgorzata Żytko, academic teacher and pedagogue, professor and employee of the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Warsaw in Poland, shares her perspective on how active learning should...

Photo by Eleonora on Unsplash    Novigado invited different stakeholders to respond to the two questions: How should active learning look like in a school? What would you recommend to teachers? Here, Münevver Cesur, project coordinator and teacher trainer at the Ministry of National Education, as well as Directorate General for Teacher Training and Development in Turkey,...

Novigado invited different stakeholders to respond to the two questions: How should active learning look like in a school? What would you recommend to teachers? Here, Adil Tugyan, the EFL Teacher, a Teacher Trainer and an eLearning and Educational Technology expert in Turkey, shares his insights and perspective on how active learning should look like in schools. “I used to think it was...

Active Learning is reflective learning indeed. Active students need to reflect on their actions in order to adapt their learning strategy and direct their next learning opportunity. Students prove to show great reflective skills as we let them know it's important and we give them time for it. During lockdown in their school, one big question according to Xavier Garnier, teacher at...

Photo by Maxim Hopman on Unsplash Novigado invited different stakeholders to respond to the two questions: How should active learning look like in a school? What would you recommend to teachers? Here, Jacek Staniszewski , history teacher and director of the Primary and Secondary School of the Academy of Good Education in Poland, shares his perspective on how active learning should look...

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Novigado Key Info

  • Funding: Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 2 (School Education - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices)
  • Start time: 01-12-2019
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Download:


Erasmus+ Programme (funded with the support by)

The Novigado project is funded with support from the European Commission's Erasmus+ Programme. This publication/website reflects the views only of the author, and the EC cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.