FCL partners

Since its establishment in 2012, the Future Classroom Lab has partnered with multiple private organisations and companies, from leading multinational technology and equipment providers to promising EdTech startups, with the aim of re-imagining what education could look like in the 21st century.

The FCL offers such organisations with the opportunity to network, exchange, and share their own ideas for new learning spaces and how technology and equipment can support innovative pedagogical approaches to support 21st century education needs.

Each company supporting the Future Classroom Lab can benefit from:

  • Recognition as FCL partner, including recognition on the FCL website, dedicated partner page, and possibility to include the Future Classroom Lab logo on appropriate marketing material.
  • Invitation to European Schoolnet's annual EMINENT conference for Ministries of Education which aims to facilitate discussion and interaction between countries and exchange of best practices.
  • Invitation to European Schoolnet’s annual School Innovation Forum, an interactive event gathering industry partners, policy makers on national and regional level, and academia.
  • Access to the FCL validation service, a pan-European network of schools ready to participate in school pilots involving industry partners.
  • Opportunity to provide technology/equipment to the Future Classroom Lab in Brussels.
  • Multiple other opportunities and ad hoc activities we can jointly consider.

The Future Classroom Lab is the framework within which European Schoolnet works with both ministries of education and private organisations and companies willing to support the evolution of teaching and learning. In line with European Schoolnet's code of practice for industry partnerships, all FCL partners are treated equally and in a transparent manner. Each company is asked to contribute to the FCL’s sustainability by making a financial contribution toward the operational costs of the Future Classroom Lab and to commit to a one-year agreement with European Schoolnet.

If you would like to know more about how your organisation can participate in the Future Classroom Lab, please email fcl@eun.org.









