Project Outcomes


Teacher Survey: Sound in Schools

"Teacher Survey: Sound in Schools" is a project we are implementing in collaboration with Saint-Gobain Ecophon from January 2023 until December 2023. It aims to conduct a survey in 13 languages among secondary school teachers to discover the impact of classroom acoustics on educators’ work, physical and mental health. 

As part of the project, the following publications were released: 




DIGI-LINGO is an initiative that aims to support the European Union’s stated goal of enabling multilingualism and ensuring that every person speaks at least two foreign languages. The project aims to achieve that by exploring the capabilities of digital environments to unlock the potential of language learning. 

As part of the project, the following publications were released: 




Novigado "Active learning and innovative teaching in flexible learning spaces" has as its objective to support schools and related stakeholders in the transition from a conventional and teacher-centered classroom into teaching practices that promote active learning with the support of innovative learning environments and the use of relevant ICT

As part of the project, the following publications were released: 


The Mentoring for School Improvement (MenSI) project carried out a pan-European investigation into how different approaches to mentoring can support the mainstreaming of innovative digital teaching practices in primary and secondary schools.

As part of the project, the following publications were released: 


Impact EdTech

IMPACT EdTech established a start-up incubator-accelerator to help European digital education innovators to bring their digital learning solutions into the market, focusing on those solutions that can contribute to extending personalised and inclusive educational models that support the development of the skills that are relevant in today's world.

As part of the project, the following publications were released: 




ITELab (Initial Teachers Education Lab) is a Knowledge Alliance project between higher education institutions and industry to foster innovation and knowledge exchange in initial/preservice teacher education (ITE).

As part of the project, the following publications were released: 



Triseum Validation Pilot


As part of its membership of the Future Classroom Lab, Triseum asked European Schoolnet to run a validation pilot involving use of two of its learning games (ARTé: Mecenas™ and Variant: Limits™) in schools in several European countries. Over the course of almost one year, 20 teachers from schools in Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland and Portugal used the games in their teaching and took part in the project activities.

As part of the project, the following publications were released: 


Collaborative Education Lab

The project aimed to; design as well as enrich existing collaborative teaching and learning scenarios and train teacher trainers, student teachers and teachers to implement them; allow teachers to test these scenarios in the classroom and report back concerning the enablers and obstacles they faced; evaluate the process and define how education policy frameworks could be adapted to better support collaborative teaching and learning in the classroom

As part of the project, the following publications were released: 


Teacher Assessing Key Competences in School

TASK is an ERASMUS + project aimed at developing a set of didactic approaches and strategies together with a web application for the assessment  of Key Competences in the lower/upper secondary school in order to certificate them with national formats.

As part of the project, the following publications were released: 


Texas Instruments - DLP pilot


It's important to be sure that all students in the class can see clearly the content displayed, particularly if they are sitting towards the back of the class or have a visual impairment. STEM teachers from six countries, selected through an open call, are being provided with the latest high definition 1080p TI DLP® projectors in their classrooms to evaluate the difference they make to teaching and learning.

As part of the project, the following publications were released: 


Chromebook Teacher Professional Development & Evaluation Program


Google Education and Acer asked European Schoolnet (EUN) to conduct an evaluation programme on the use of Acer Chromebooks and Google tools in classrooms, together with a professional development programme for the teachers involved. 12 teachers were specially selected from the Netherlands, Spain, and the UK to take part in the evaluation.

As part of the project, the following publications were released:


School Leaders Working Group


This pilot working group was formed in January 2015, with the objective to shape a future offering to support and engage school leaders across Europe in implementing the spread of innovative pedagogical practice across the whole school Phase 1 was supported by Microsoft and Promethean. It brought together an expert group of 12 school leaders of showcase schools in Europe from Norway, Sweden, Austria, UK and Portugal, to share their experiences on leading change to 21st century teaching and learning in their schools.

As part of the project, the following publications were released: 


Living Schools Lab Project Summary

With the participation of 15 partners, including 12 education ministries, the two-year Living Schools Lab project promoted a whole-school approach to ICT use, scaling up best practices in the use of ICT between schools with various levels of technological proficiency. The participating schools were supported through peer-exchanges in regional hubs, pan-European teams working collaboratively on a number themes, and a variety of opportunities for teachers' ongoing professional development.

As part of the project, the following publications were released: 


Continuing Professional Development Lab



The two-year CPDLab project aimed to improve the quality of ICT-related Continuing Professional Development available to teachers, school leaders and other school staff and help schools become effective learning environments by offering a portfolio of training courses directly related to the needs of teachers in the future classroom.

As part of the project, the following publications were released: 


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Postal and visiting address

EUN Partnership / Future Classroom Lab

Rue de Trèves 61 B-1040 Brussels, Belgium