Novigado - Active learning and innovative teaching in flexible learning spaces - is an EU-funded project that started in autumn 2019. The objective of the project is to support schools and related stakeholders in the transition from a conventional and teacher-centered classroom into teaching practices that promote active learning with the support of innovative learning environments and the use of relevant ICT. Read more about Novigado here.
The Novigado project addresses these challenges and brings innovation into teaching and learning by introducing an active learning model to schools, teachers and other stakeholders, and by supporting them to benefit from the opportunities brought by educational technology and the transformation of learning environments.
The Novigado Scenario Tool is developed by the project consortium and it guides teachers in building active learning scenarios and practical lesson plans that support active learning pedagogy. Account creation and login is required to use the tool.
The Scenario Tool has been created within the Novigado project that is funded with support from the European Commission's Erasmus+ Programme. This Scenario Tool or any of its content reflects the views only of the author(s), and the EC cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.