EDULAB is a unique center for modern technologies in the center of Bratislava, focused on the effective application of information and communication technologies and the use of digital educational content in the learning process. It is a prototype of the future modern multimedia classroom, which represents a comprehensive hardware and software solution in educational practice with a primary focus on schools and educational organizations.
EDULAB provides teachers with the opportunity to gain practical skills by completing various courses and experience sample lessons with their pupils based on the latest technologies. The activities of EDULAB can be divided into two groups – activities organized within the physical space of EDULAB, situated in Bratislava, and activities realized in regions all over Slovakia. The physical space of EDULAB represents a showroom of modern digital education. We organize sample lessons of modern education for schools, seminars for teachers and university students. We present the use of modern technologies in education. EDULAB showroom is also often used to present our activities to important stakeholders and to (and through) media.
At schools - on primary, secondary or university level - we administrate more than 500 tablets and other classroom technology such as servers, teacher's notebooks, LDF touch screen displays and routers. In order for EDULAB center to serve as a prototype of the future and modern multimedia classroom, we also equipped our premises with modern available technology, incl. interactive and smart boards, tablets, notebooks, overhead projectors, programing SW, classroom management software, and others.
Commercial partners:
As an educational NGO, all activities of EDULAB are funded by private companies. We have partnerships with various companies, however, our main technology and project partner is Samsung Electronics Czech and Slovak and Agemsoft.
More information:
EDULAB, Rigeleho 1
811 02, Bratislava