EDULAB CR, Czech Republic

EDUkační LABoratoř (EDULAB CR) is a non-profit organization focused on the effective implementation of digital technologies in the classroom and the use of digital educational content in the learning process with appropriate methodological and didactical support for the teachers.

EDULAB CR organizes seminars, workshops, sample lessons and conferences for teachers, students and future teachers in regions all over the Czech Republic. It shows them how to use modern technology (tablets and other devices) and digital educational content in lessons, and how to choose adequate applications for each subject. The lab is being funded mainly by its partners and most of the courses and activities are free of charge.

In the learning space there are Samsung LFD ED65D with Samsung touch overlay, computer, tablets (Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 edition Wi-Fi P6000 white), Samsung School software and Wi-Fi infrastructure, notebooks, webcam and digital camera. The lab also uses digital gadgets for early childhood education (for example, Bee-Bot and digital microscope).

In cooperation with its commercial partners, EDULAB CR runs School at a Touch project. In this experimental project twelve schools from the Czech Republic experiment with teaching with tablets and touchscreen boards. Over 1 000 pupils and 100 teachers are involved in the project. In September 2014, those schools were equipped with Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition tablets, Samsung LFD ED65D, Samsung School software and Wi-Fi infrastructure and PC with 24 inch monitor.  Samsung School solution is used in tablets to interconnect with a 65 inch touchscreen board.

After the first year of the main project, a few subprojects were launched. In the School at a Touch ACADEMY teachers from the schools involved in the School at a Touch project conduct seminars for other teachers to share their practical experiences.

School at a Touch UNIVERSITY project focuses on the preparation of teachers to use modern technologies. Through the project, 4 universities have been equipped with tablets, Samsung LFD ED65D, Samsung School software, Wi-Fi infrastructure and PC with 24 inch monitor.

School at a Touch PLAY is a project where students and teachers can learn the basics of programming.

EDULAB CR also runs a project focused on the use of digital content in schools. In 2016 and 2017, the project was opened to 3 000 schools from the Czech Republic.

For kindergarten teachers, the lab runs a project called "Školka hrou" where teachers use the lab's textbooks "Školka hrou" with interactive boards and digital educational content.

Commercial partners:

  • Samsung Electronics Czech and Slovak
  • EDULOGY Ltd. 


  • Michal Orság, Managing Director


EDUkační LABoratoř, z.s.,Tetris Office Building

Budějovická 1550/15a

140 00, Praha 4

Czech Republic