The Science Park Project by the Erbaa District Directorate of National Education was put into operation for the future of students with 6 workshops. BILIMPARK aims to support children in mental and emotional fields, to learn to use these children's potentials, to make them interested in science and scientific processes and to work towards increasing their performance. BİLİMPARK is a pioneer and leader in education with its extraordinary space and educational architecture, where schools can organize sightseeing activities, perform culture, science and art activities and take courses. Target groups are students from all levels and their families. Different workshops such as 1-Science Workshop 2- Robotics and Coding Workshop 3- Intelligence and Mind Games Workshop 4- Drama Workshop 5- Engineering Workshop 6- Astronomy and Space Sciences (Planetarium) Workshop take place in this learning space.  The workshops of BİLİMPARK consist of different and original works which are prepared according to age groups. Each workshop lasts for 12 weeks. The number of the students in each class is twelve. At the end of the workshops in six different classes, students are given a Certificate of Participation. Each workshop is run by a qualified instructor. There are continuing courses such as; Drama (2 classes), Fun Science (3 classes) Engineering (2 classes) Intelligence and mind games workshop (6 classes), Robotic Coding (20 classes) (Basic Coding- LEGO1-2-3 - MBOT-▪ Introduction to Robotics with Arduino 1-2 ▪ Robotic Project Development- MIT App .Periodic counseling to families is provided during the training period of the students. In addition, families are given detailed reports on their children at the 6th and 12th weeks. Course programs are organized for families. In Science workshop, there are microscope, microscope with camera,, smart board, electronic scales, oven, magnetic stirrer, chemicals tubes ,etc. Web 2.0 technologies are used in Robotic Coding Workshops. Notebook PC is a device used in all educational contents that requires computer. Some examples of Web 2.0 technologies that are used:, Scratch, Tinkercad, Quiver, Kahoot,  Hp Reveal, MIT App Inventor, Interactive Board, Tablet PC, Notebook PC, Makeblock MBot STEM+A Tutor Robot Kit, Beebot® Educational Robot Classroom Set, Arduino Electronics / Robotic Training Kits,etc. 

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İsmetpaşa Neighborhood Ataturk Street Number: 102 Erbaa TOKAT TÜRKİYE 


Bekir ASLAN - Director of National Education