Digital Literacy (2024)
In 2024, European Schoolnet’s Interactive Classroom Working Group explores the role of leadership teams in fostering students’ digital competences by developing sustainable school vision and strategies. It aims to shed light on enablers and barriers, diagnostic tools, the impact of emerging technologies, and planning methods. The goal is to map innovative strategies and practices across Europe and to provide school leaders with examples and guidance that can support them innovate.
Guidelines for Teaching & Learning Online as Part of the "New Normal" (2022)
This report outlines a set of guidelines and examples of what is considered as effective practices for online learning in primary or secondary school settings. It builds on the extensive academic literature that examines online learning in general, the more limited literature on online learning in primary and secondary school settings, and reports and guidelines prepared by a variety of educational, non-governmental, and governmental organisations either prior to the pandemic or as support for teachers during the pandemic. The guidelines also offer concrete examples and teacher quotes taken from conversations with 7 experienced teachers and school principles from Ireland, Czech Republic, Portugal, and Italy who were interviewed for the purposes of this report.
Makerspaces in Schools: Practical Guidelines for School Leaders & Teachers (2020)
This publication provides practical guidelines on creating and using makerspaces in schools. It is based on: research and experiences observed and analysed in projects conducted by the Italian Government’s National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research (INDIRE); the experiences of schools in nine countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Switzerland and Turkey) that have created their own makerspaces; desk research focusing on makerspaces in other locations and countries. The report includes case studies.
Guidelines for Creating Learning Labs (2019)
This guide provides practical guidance to school leaders and teachers who wish to create their own learning labs by drawing on other European Schoolnet guides, tools and research and, particularly, on the experiences of six schools that have been inspired to build their own learning labs.
These experiences are described in more detail in the case studies below:
Guidelines on Exploring & Adapting Learning Spaces in Schools (2017)
The report provides practical advice and support to schools on how to develop and adapt learning spaces to facilitate the innovative use of ICT and collaborative approaches to teaching and learning. It aims to inspire school leaders and teachers to rethink their current classroom practice, and demonstrate how even small changes to existing learning spaces can significantly improve students' active learning.
This report is also available in Spanish & Italian
Bring Your Own Device for Schools: Technical Advice for School Leaders & IT Administrators (2017)
This guide has been developed as part of the work the Interactive Classroom Working Group (ICWG) and builds on the 2015 publication “BYOD, Bring Your Own Device, A guide for school leaders”. It features advice and recommendations on the technical aspects of the process which were not addressed in the previous publication and goes together with 5 pocket guides:
- - BYOD for Schools Pocket Guide: Technical advice for school leaders and IT administrators
- - BYOD for Schools Pocket Guide: An introduction to the technologies and terminologies
- - BYOD for Schools Pocket Guide: Cloud computing and BYOD
- - BYOD for Schools Pocket Guide: Technical risks planning
BYOD Bring Your Own Device - A guide for school leaders (2015)
This publication is designed to provide school leaders, local education authorities and other decision makers with information about current Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trends, options and examples from schools in Europe as well as relevant lessons from BYOD implementations in schools in other parts of the world.