#14 - Janet Looney
The latest installment in the Future Classroom Lab interview series sees Janet Looney, Director of the European Institute of Education and Social Policy, give her views on the forces shaping the future of education.
#13 - Barry O'Sullivan
Barry O'Sullivan, Senior Adviser for English Language Assessment, British Council, gives his views on how education will innovate in the coming years.
#12 - Dr. Lennie Scott-Webber
Dr. Lennie Scott-Webber, Director of Education Environments at Steelcase Inc., talks about design resolutions that empower learning. See the interview to find out how evidenced-based design methodologies and knowledge of how we learn can be used to create better learning environments.
#11 - Warren Barkley
Warren Barkley, the Chief Technology Officer for SMART Technologies, talks in this interview on technology in schools, speed of change, collaborative and other skills needed in future jobs, and scaling up the the best pedagogical practice across schools. The interview was filmed during the conference "iTEC - Designing the future classroom" in May 2014 in Brussels.
#10 - Anne Looney
Anne Looney, the CEO of Ireland's National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, speaks to us about innovation in school, student engagement and national digital learning strategy. The interview was filmed during the Living Schools Lab summer school in Dublin, May 2014. Anne Looney's presentation at the event is available here.
#9 - Classroom of 2025
European Schoolnet spoke to some of the leading thinkers in European education to get their ideas on how develops in society and technology would impact on how we teach and learn.
#8 - Diana Laurillard
Diana Laurillard, Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies at the Institute of Education, University of London, gives her views on the trends that are impacting on education. The interview was filmed during the Eminent conference at Helsinki on 4-5 December 2013.
#7 - Patricia Manson
Patricia Manson, Head of Unit for Inclusion, Skills & Youth at the European Commission's DG Connect, was interviewed by European Schoolnet at the iTEC 'Every Classroom a Future Classroom' event about developments in technology that will shape the future of education, and about the EC's initiatives for opening up education.The video was filmed at the Every Classroom a Future Classroom conference, organised by the iTEC project, at Brussels on 10-11 October 2013
#6 - Kristen Weatherby
Kristen Weatherby, Senior Analyst on the OECD's TALIS project (Teaching and Learning International Survey), speaks on emerging trends in teaching and learning, such as Bring Your Own Device and the use of social media in education. The video was filmed at the Every Classroom a Future Classroom conference, organised by the iTEC project, at Brussels on 10-11 October 2013.
#5 - David Brown
Professor David J. Brown, Interactive Systems Research Group, School of Science & Technology, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom, interviewed on the use of games in special needs education as part of the the SENnet (Special Educational Needs Network) project.
#4 - Bob Fryer
Professor R.H. (Bob) Fryer CBE, Chair of the UK's Campaign for Learning, and founding Chief Executive of the NHS University, and chaired the National Advisory Group for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning, speaks on how we can make use of social media to improve e-Learning.
#3 - Patricia Wastiau
Patricia Wastiau, Principal Adviser for Research and Studies at European Schoolnet, discusses the publication of the 'Survey of Schools: ICT in Education' report, released on 18 April 2013, which examines the level of use of ICT in teaching and learning across Europe.
To download the report, go http://www.eun.org/ict-survey
#2 - Tim Pearson
Tim Pearson, technologist and former CEO of RM Education, one of Britain's largest providers of educational technology, gives his thoughts on how emerging trends in technology will influence the education process.
#1 - Lord Puttnam
Lord Puttnam, Chancellor of the Open University, former Chair of the General Teaching Council for England, and award-winning film producer, gives his views on how emerging trends in technology will affect education, and what he envisions as the classroom of the future.