Espaço de Aprendizagem Personalizada/Personalized Learning Space

Inspired by European Schoolnet's Future Classroom Lab and Innovative Educational Environments, we created a space to develop learning scenarios - Personalized Learning Space - A 21st Century Learning Experience! - where the centre of all activity is the student who interacts with the other students and the teachers. Open and flexible space for teacher training, classes, curriculum enrichment activities, research and development of innovative educational activities. The Personalized Learning Space is the starting point from which students can Investigate, Interact, Create, Develop, Share and Present and enhance their learning with other resources such as the School Library, the Fun Science Room and FabLab Freixo.

In this space, combined with appropriate and innovative methodologies, we enhance the capacity of our teachers and students, to acquire the 21st-century skills, necessary for the success of those who learn: collaboration; knowledge construction; self-regulation; real-world problem solving and innovation; use of ICT to learn and communicate effectively.

Mixing the resources already existing in the Freixo School Cluster with the extraordinary contributions of partners, we managed to move from an idea to its implementation  by carrying out works to adapt the room and by adding the equipment and software essential to its operation. 

Commercial Partners

We work with some business and institutional partners who support us in material terms and also in terms of training human resources.


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Rua da Bouça de Rodas, n.º 200, 4990-435 Freixo