Espaço Inovador de Aprendizagem

This innovative learning space is designed to promote the innovation of methodologies in the teaching and learning processes using technology. This space aims to be motivating for students and to contribute to a change in educational practices by challenging teachers to rethink the didactics of their disciplines and the role of technology in the classroom.

The innovative learning space of the Eça de Queirós school is based on European Schoolnet's Future Classroom Lab concept but it has been adapted to the local context and it takes into account the existing physical and technological resources. This innovative learning space consists of five/six specific learning areas - for interacting and presenting, investigating and creating, developing and exchanging - with specific furniture and equipment, all of which are reconfigurable to allow total flexibility in adapting the place to the possible learning scenarios or stories that may occur. There is also an area for greenscreen/audio/video production.

The main goals of the space are to:

  • allow students to become creators of technology.
  • find new assessment and teaching strategies and methods.
  • give the students a peek into the future
  • allow the students to use their creativity and knowledge in a more fun and engaging way 


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Rua Cidade de Benguela 303, 1800-071 Lisboa, Portugal