FCL Planets Class is an engaging, active learning environment enriched through digital technologies. We have reorganized the physical space to create a Future Classroom and changed the traditional classroom environment. Our goal is to increase student active participation and make technology available. FCL Planets Class, the name of which is chosen by students, is used by elementary level teachers and students (ages 6-11) for different courses. There are 6 learning zones in our classroom, which are Interact, Investigate, Exchange, Create, Develop and Present.
In the Interact Zone, the student’s active participation and use of Web 2.0 tools such as Mentimeter, Kahoot, Padlet, Quizizz, Coogle, etc. are encouraged. The students' engagement is increased through cooperating from their own devices, such as laptop and open education tools that interacts with tablet, telephone and computer.
In the Exchange Zone, they do teamwork. Through cooperating with their mates, they take responsibility in learning. They are more open to sharing. They learn with digital games and simulations by interesting works. They use their natural creativity and imagination.
In the Investigate Zone, the students reach real life data by using the technologies such as 3D models, microscopes, data blocks, text based video, audio-experimental visuals, and online survey tools. They question, make observations, do experiments, set surveys and use robots. Through examining opinions they evaluate results. In this way they develop their skills in critical thinking, questioning and problem solving. They learn how to manage information and develop their skills in problem solving.
In the Create Zone, student participation is increased by assigning them duties. They show learning by practising-experiencing, preparation of presentation which is a development of exquisite skill, and teamwork skills. They broadcast videos by using voice record devices, a tripod and a digital camera, in addition to necessary software and web 2.0 tools.
In the Present Zone, the students share their products through attractive presentations of interesting works online or face-to-face with the help of using interactive technologies. They use HD projection and Web 2.0 tools like Canva, Syory, Jumper, Pitch, etc., during their presentation considering the copyrights. They give constructive feedback to their fellows.
In the Develop Zone, the students do their work through informal learning. They use sound equipments, earphones, tablets, mobile devices. They have fun through playing analogue and digital games.
We have cooperated with a local firm, Akbim Bilgisayar Ltd. Company, in using Google Education.
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Osmanbükü Mahallesi No:209 İncirliova/AYDIN/TURKEY