FCLregio aims at finding new ways to allow for a more active participation by decision makers in regions in pan-European activities.
The project specifically supports the integration of ICT in teaching and learning through the development of Future Classroom Scenarios and videos designed to guide policy makers, educators and school leaders in the proficient use of technology and innovative pedagogical techniques. The network of regional and local authorities which will be established by the FCLregio project will particularly focus on the creation and support of resources and in-service training opportunities for teachers.
The project also aims to support the transformative actions proposed by the Commission's Opening Up Education (OUE) communication in 2013, one of which calls for the creation of a "European Hub of Digitally Innovative institutions, showcasing and piloting innovative ICT-based pedagogical and organisations and practices". The FCLregio response to OUE is to put in place a hub or partnership of digitally innovative regions in order to help address the "mainstreaming gap" in terms how ICT is currently implemented in schools in many countries.
Project goals
- Strengthen cooperation between decision makers developing and implementing ICT strategies for schools working at national and regional levels based on an exchange of practices and joint working related to the use of mobile devices and the development of cloud services.
- Showcase innovative classroom practice in regions and produce strategic guidelines for those attempting to mainstream ICT in schools, particularly related to pedagogical scenarios involving mobile devices and K-12 learning cloud services.
- Provide practical guidelines, recommendations, resources and other support materials for head teachers and school leaders developing strategies for whole school use of mobile devices and cloud services.
For more information
Please contact: Tommaso Dalla Vecchia
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