FCLab Oulu

The Oulu Future Classroom Lab focuses on promoting the development of learning autonomy, facilitating performance and practice, increasing the culture of conversation and exploratory learning. The aim is to make it easier for children who are sensitive to stimuli to work. In addition, various forms of co-teaching will be studied; acoustics, ergonomics and comfort will be enhanced; the presentation technology and furniture of the discussion area will be improved.  

The Lab was founded on the Ubiko project, implemented at the Oulu University Teacher Training School in 2012-2013. The idea was to develop collaborative teaching, multi-rhythmic and multi-site learning, innovative pedagogical practices focused on deeper understanding, skillful, strategic and inspiring learning (SRL). From the outset, it was important for the Ubiko project to include and further develop pedagogical innovations related to modern information and communication technologies. Scientific research was a strong component of the Ubiko project. 

In the end of year 2023 old computer classroom was converted to modern learning space. Goal was to make it flexible for media education and co operational working. Project is called “From Computer Class to an Information and Creative learning Space” 


    Commercial Partners

    Former partners: Sphero, Bird Technologies – Hummingbird, StepSystems, Qridi, SMART – Edunuts, Ilona IT, Martela and Suomen yliopistokiinteistöt. 


    More information



    • Katri Pietiläinen, katri.pietilainen@oulu.fi
    • Janne Marjamaa, janne.marjamaa@oulu.fi


    Oulu University Teacher Training School LINNANMAA 1-6 YLIOPISTOKATU 48 LINNANMAA OULU FINLAND