FCLab Rauma

FCLab project aims to develop and renew teaching technology and innovative solutions, utilising versatile, collaborative learning environments that inspire future learning and are open to all members of our learning community. 

Our values guiding the project are inclusion, inspiration, community and skills for the future. In the early stages of the project, we involved all staff and pupils in the brainstorming and design of the "School of the Future". Inspiration comes from the opportunity to contribute and be involved in developing the common good.  

The way we work and the involvement we have will encourage cooperation and strengthen a sense of community in our school. The School of the Future is built together for all of us. 

Partnership: -

More information: https://fclab.fi/rauma/  

Address: Seminaarinkatu 1 26100 RAUMA


Jenna Lonka, jkklon@utu.fi  
Juha Ståhlberg, jupest@utu.fi  
Kalle Nyberg, kaanyb@utu.fi  
Petteri Syrjänen, petteri.k.syrjanen@utu.fi