FCLab Tampere is the first FCLab in Finland. Our mission is to help others to create flexible learning spaces, develop maker pedagogy and to challenge the ordinary ways of learning by taking the advantage of the digital possibilities.
FCLab Tampere as a space (KAKS10) is a flexible learning environment where two teachers and their classes (5th and 6th grades) share facilities and work together every day across grade boundaries. The aim of KAKS10 is to develop the pedagogy of pair teaching in a flexible learning environment equipped with modern technology.
Commercial partnership
We are working with several commercial partners. The main goal is to test and develop new learning environments and landscapes. We have increased the use of educational technology with the aim of creating new ways of learning.
Website https://fclab.fi/tampere/
Mikko Horila (mikko.horila@fclab.fi)
Tuomo Tammi (tuomo.tammi@fclab.fi)
Janne Nissinen (janne.nissinen@fclab.fi)
Kuokkamaantie 16, 33800 Tampere