The FCL Talks is a series of live online events to share innovative practices, ideas and initiatives on school education. Presenting is possible to anyone who wants to share non-commercial content in the field of innovative education (projects, classroom ideas, initiatives, events, space design, edtech, etc.).
In collaboration with STEM Alliance, Scientix and FCL with Dassault Systèmes |
13 October 2020 |
FCL Talks 6 #Novigado |
18 June 2020 |
Maps for Education. Discover the power of spatial technology (GIS) in the classroom |
In collaboration with ESRI |
11 June 2020 |
Limitless learning: keep your classroom active and engaged in distance learning |
In collaboration with Microsoft |
7 May 2020 |
Active learning and innovative teaching in flexible learning spaces |
FCL Talks 5 #Novigado |
20 April 2020 |
FCL Talks 4 #Novigado |
27 March 2020 |
FCL Talks 3 #Novigado |
20 March 2020 |
FCL Talks 2 #Novigado |
13 March 2020 |
FCL Talks 1 #Novigado |
31 January 2020 |
Make ideas come to life. Learn how to foster creativity, design, and engineering skills of children in the classroom and at home (13 October 2020)
How to foster creativity, design and engineering skills in the classroom and at home? Teachers and parents need creative ways to engage their students in fun, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) activities and learning. SOLIDWORKS® Apps for Kids introduces children from ages 4 to 14 to the excitement of imagining and designing their own creations.
A webinar organised by STEM Alliance, Scientix and FCL with Dassault Systèmes.
FCL Talks 6 #Novigado: Designing Post-COVID Learning Spaces (18 June 2020)
The second Novigado webinar focussed on the topic of designing post-COVID learning spaces. With Teresa Vendeirinho, from Steelcase Portugal, we talked about their work related to post-COVID learning spaces and specifically their new publication "Designing Post-COVID Learning Spaces".
>>Recording. With the contribution of:
- Teresa Vendeirinho, Steelcase Portugal - Navigating what's next [Presentation]
FCL & Esri: Maps for Education. Discover the power of spatial technology (GIS) in the classroom (11 June 2020)
During the webinar, participants had the opportunity to learn more about this technology and its key role in the classroom. The webinar focused on how to use it for helping their students to develop skills in critical thinking, spatial thinking, visualisation, computer and media literacy.
With the contributions of:
- Luc Zwartjes - Using WebGIS tools in education [presentation]
- Katie Hall - Learning and collaboration with GIS in British classrooms [presentation]
FCL & Microsoft. Limitless learning: keep your classroom active and engaged in distance learning (7 May 2020)
Practical examples, tips and tricks from educators to educators using tools such as Microsoft Teams to enable their distance teaching and allow greater collaboration and engagement of their students.
With the contributions of:
- Kornélia Lohyňová, Microsoft Innovative Educator Fellow and an eTwinning ambassador - Using Teams as a Remote Teaching Tool [presentation]
- Sampo Forsström, FCL Lead Ambassador for Finland - How to Keep Using Online Tools after the End of the Virus Emergency Period? [presentation]
- Arjana Blazic, Microsoft Innovative Educator, an eTwinning ambassador - Keeping Students Engaged and Motivated [presentation]
FCL Talks 5 #Novigado: Active learning and innovative teaching in flexible learning spaces (20 April 2020)
With the contributions of:
Bart Verswijvel, European Schoolnet - Introduction of Novigado project
Presentation – [recording] -
Barbara Ostrowska, Think! Foundation - Active Learning Pedagogy
Presentation – [recording] -
Xavier Garnier, Lycée Pilote Innovant International - Active Learning Scenarios
Presentation – [recording]
FCL Talks #4: Teaching in time of Corona (27 March 2020)
"Authentic stories and action plans to reach out to absent students"
With the contributions of:
Aivar Hiio (EE) - Information Technology Foundation for Education
Presentation – [recording] -
Karina Batat (IL) - Turning the crisis into an opportunity
Presentation – [recording] -
Kornelia Lohynova (SK) - Self-regulated learning at home
Presentation – [recording] -
Montserrat Jiménez Vila (ES) - Teaching at home ≠ teaching at school
Presentation– [recording] -
Sampo Forsström (FI) - The situation in Finland
Presentation – [recording]
FCL Talks #3: Teaching in time of Corona (20 March 2020)
Authentic stories and tips & tricks of reaching out to absent teachers
With the contributions of:
Tatiana Popa (MD) - Teaching in Moldova in times of Corona
Presentation – [recording] -
Andreas Galanos (GR) - Web 2.0 vs Covid-19: the diary of a socially distanced teacher
Presentation – [recording] -
Elena Balestrazzi (IT) - Stories from within
Presentation – [recording] -
Marcin Zaród (PL) - YouTube streaming to reach out to students at home
Presentation – [recording] -
Alenka Miljević (HR) - Closer than ever just a click away
Presentation – [recording]
FCL Talks #2: Powerful online EduPresos in Teachmeet style (13 March 2020)
With the contributions of
Marta PEY - Teaching Climate Change through eTwinning
Presentation – [recording] -
Xavier GARNIER - Project assessment via a fair-like event
Presentation – [recording] -
Patrick CAMILLERI - Responsible use of Digital technologies for ITE
Presentation – [recording] -
Elena PEZZI - Let's MOOC together!
Presentation – [recording] -
Eva POLLÁKOVÁ - Tablets in the classroom
Presentation – [recording] -
Jean-François RAFFESTIN – Video collaboration & video conferencing in education
Presentation – [recording] -
Anna LAGHIGNA - When technology is the only option! Remote learning at the times of Corona
Presentation – [recording]
FCL Talks #1: Sharing experiences of ITELab project and ITE good practice (31 Janurary 2020)
With the contribution of:Uni of Agder (NO), Catholic Uni of Milan (IT), MOOC Moderator (HR), Uni College Dublin (IE), Uni of Perugia (IT), Poly Inst. of Santarém (PT), Uni of Göettingham (DE), FCL Ambassador (FI)