Future Classroom Lab of Sevilla

The Classroom of the Future of the CEP of Seville is divided into six reconfigurable learning zones, each of which has been conceived, due to its spatial distribution and its endowment of resources, to work or develop a certain type of activities, challenges or tasks with the intention of turning students into the protagonist of their learning process.

The aim of this initiative is to train teachers in the effective use of these tools, space and innovative methodologies, in order to improve the quality of education and serving as a space for reflection on their own educational practices. Serving as a source of inspiration and a driver of change in the educational model, the Future Classroom Lab provides an environment conducive to acquiring new pedagogical skills and promoting change in the classroom. The six zones can be seen below:

  • Create: develop, manipulate, edit.
  • Develop: innovate, imagine, design.
  • Explore: communicate, share, plan.
  • Interact: listen, dialogue, analyze.
  • Investigate: experiment, discover, examine.
  • Presents: reveals, discloses, exhibits.

The space itself offers to work on the different innovative methodologies, where collaborative and cooperative work are the axis of classroom activity and the areas thus called (presents, investigates, interacts ...), encourage the personal development of students attending to the acquisition of key competences and, consequently, to the reflection on the teaching work and the development of their professional competences in educational contexts.

Partnership: -

Address: C/ Leonardo da Vinci 14, 41092, Sevilla, Spain

Contact: Director - aula.futuro.cep.sevilla@gmail.com 
