The Future Learning Lab (FLL) is one of the learning labs created by the Center for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (ZLI), part of the Pädagogische Hochschule Wien.
The Future Learning Lab follows the educational and pedagogical concepts of EUN's Future Classroom Lab and of the Austrian project KIDZ-Kinder im Klassenzimmer der Zukunft (Kidsclassroom of the Future). This new space offers a well-equipped environment for learning and teaching of digital competences and will also be linked to the "School 4.0" initiative of the Ministry of Education (BMB). You can follow this initiative also on its dedicated website.
The Future Learning Lab is one of ZLI's four "learning rooms", which serve as innovation points for research, education, further education and school development. The other three are:
Education Innovation Studio (EIS) which focuses on coding, robotics and storytelling. Read here an article about the opening event and the eBazar 2017.
Maker Lab (MAL) dedicated to digital production using technology like 3D printing.
Media Lab (MEL) where visitors can explore radio, video and podcast technology and interactive whiteboards.
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