Our lab hosts the following flexible learning spaces:
Create: This area helps students to plan, design, and produce their own work. In the field of production, since simple repetition of knowledge is not enough; students work with real knowledge construction activities. Interpretation, analysis, group work and evaluation are important parts of the production process.
Interact: Our lab has a small footprint and exemplifies how teachers can increase student engagement and interaction using technology in a traditional classroom. At Future Classroom Lab, teachers use technology to increase student participation and interaction. Solutions range from individual devices such as tablets and smartphones to interactive whiteboards and interactive learning content.
Present: In this area students can use a range of different tools and skills to present, communicate and receive feedback on their work. Having a dedicated area reserved for interactive presentations through design and layout supports sharing, interaction and feedback of results. Online publishing and sharing is also encouraged. This helps students get used to using online resources and also help them become familiar with eSafety principles.
Investıgate: In this area students are encouraged to explore by themselves. They are given opportunities to be active participants rather than passive listeners. In the field of inquiry, teachers provide inquiry-based and project-based learning opportunities to develop students' critical thinking skills. Flexible furniture supports this concept, and physical spaces can be quickly redesigned for group work, partner work or individual work. New technologies contribute to research by providing rich, versatile and real-life data.
Exchange: Working collaboratively with others is essential in Future Classroom Lab learning spaces. Teamwork is carried out throughout research, production and presentation activities. The quality of cooperation is determined by the sense of belonging within the group, sharing responsibility and the decision-making process. ICT helps create rich ways of communication and collaboration. Collaboration in the 21st century classroom is not limited to face-to-face and synchronous communication. Online and asynchronous meetings can also take place.
Develop: This is a space for informal learning and self-reflection. Students can work independently at their own pace. Additionally, students can engage in informal learning by focusing on their own interests outside of formal classroom arrangements at school and at home. By providing ways to foster self-directed learning, the school supports learners' self-reflection and metacognitive skills towards lifelong learning.
In our FCL classroom, the educational approach involves:
- Project-Based Learning
- Collaborative Group Work
- Peer Learning
- Design and Skill-Based Teaching
Activities are organized to support design and skill-based teaching. FCL scenarios are designed and events are planned by teachers who have received Design FILS training.
Web 2.0 application tools are used to support project-based learning by developing 21st century skills in learning areas consisting of 6 main sections. Web 2.0 tools make learning more meaningful for students and enable them to be a part of the learning process in a more motivated way. Thus, the students develop differentiated learning methods. By incorporating technology into the traditional classroom, it is aimed to create an interactive classroom that enables students to become active learners.
Among the technological tools used by students in the laboratory, there are computers, smart boards, whiteboards, 3D printers, 3D pens, VR glasses, tablets, green assembly screen, mobile phone, mBot education robots and Lego education training sets. There is a section of mind games used by students who complete their activities in the learning areas. The energy needed for the technological tools used in the laboratory is provided by electrical energy obtained from solar energy panels.
STEM studies, Arduino and robotic productions, coding activities, drama, animation, posters, logos, e-books, cartoons, and website studies are carried out in the classroom. While 4th graders in the school have participated in these studies as the target group, 2023-2024 Eucation program was also given to the 3rd graders in order to ensure sustainability. It is planned to carry out preliminary preparation studies to introduce the class studies and its functioning in April-May-June of the year. In addition, with the help of completed and ongoing Erasmus+ projects and eTwinning projects carried out in the school, we will be able to benefit from the international network. The aim is to make the classes have a multicultural structure by maintaining live connections with teachers and students from Europe.
Partnership: -
Address: İbrahim Hakkı Konyalı Primary School, Alpaslan Mahallesi, Güneybağ Sokak, No: 2, Meram, KONYA/ TÜRKİYE
Ramazan Dursun - School Principal - r_dursun07@hotmail.com
Aygül Eroğlu Ateş - Class Teacher- aygulates@hotmail.com
Website: GEFCL - Ana Sayfa