ICWG Expert Outputs

Personalising learning: outcomes 2016

The focus group members prepared mini-case studies on their experience and the impact of personalising learning in their school and classrooms. The aim of the mini-case is to help other educational professionals learn from and be inspired by experts' experience.

Several members also created learning activities with the aim to share their practice so that it could be used for teacher professional development. Find the learning activites further on this page.


ExpertSchool Mini-CaseLearning Activity
Alicia Bankhofer (Austria)RGORG Anton-Krieger-Gasse: Promoting creativity through personal learningPersonalising learning – focus on creativity (see below)
Niall O'Connor (Ireland)Le Cheile Secondary School: Flipped learning in mathsPersonalising learning - assessment (see below)
Philippe Favre (Switzerland)Planzette: Objective-based evaluationPersonalising learning - assessment (see below)
Luis Fernandes (Portugal)Freixo School ClusterPersonalising learning- Special Needs Students (see below)
Walter Steinkogler (Austria)Abendgymnasium SalzburgPersonalising learning - Oral student feedback with screencasts (see below)
Svetlana Vladimirova (Estonia) Jarve Russian Gymnasium: Basic robotics for 1st - 3rd grades