
Since its creation, the Interactive Classroom Working Group (ICWG) has looked into personalised learning and innovative learning spaces in schools, producing different guidelines. Most recently, the ICWG agreed on exploring Fablabs and makerspaces, especially those which are closely connected to schools or other educational organisations. The ICWG has investigated how they link to pedagogy, the curriculum, cross-curricular projects or specific subjects, STEM education, and skills development.

In its latest publication the working group focused on the creation and use of makerspaces in schools and based its work on:

  • Research and experiences observed and analysed in projects conducted by the Italian Government's National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research (INDIRE).
  • The experiences of schools in nine countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Switzerland and Turkey) that have created their own makerspaces as described in the case studies included in the publication, which are based on interviews with the schools' principals and teachers.
  • Desk research focussing on makerspaces in other locations and countries.

The main results of this research and exchange work is now openly available in the form of two publications: Makerspaces in schools, Practical guidelines for school leaders and teachers; and 15 Case studies documenting practical experience in eight different countries. The full publications are now available on this dedicated page.