IES Clara Campoamor

Our school is a dynamic centre that is committed to innovation through the development of various programs and projects: BRIT-British Council, Internationalisation of the center, Skills Development, Educational Community Work, Extracurriculars, Use of electronic devices in the classroom and CyberAssistants (pioneers in its development).

We needed to have a multidisciplinary space that would allow us to work in a different way. We have progressively assumed the use of new technologies and TAC (Learning and Knowledge Technologies) - TEP (Technologies for Empowerment and Participation) methodologies. We use corporate mail, G-Suite tools and Chromebooks (currently all secondary school students have a device for personal work), which needs trainning by studentes for its proper use, which must be safe and responsible.

Taking advantage of the presence in the center of the Ambassador of the Future Classroom Lab and inspired by the European Future-Classroom-Lab, we have designed a space divided into work areas with a limited endowment of resources of the center itself.

Thus, our main objectives are:

  • To improve the educational quality and the acquisition of educational competences by the students.
  • Redesign educational spaces to respond to the needs raised by teachers.
  • Encourage the use of active methodologies and extend their use to the entire faculty.
  • Implementation of our innovation plan and facilitation of educational improvement proposals.

The Future Classroom Lab of IES Clara Campoamor Rodríguez is a space in the centre divided into several learning areas and equipped with a variety of technologies (virtual reality glasses, GoPro camera, 3D printer, digital whiteboard, computers) that aims to promote and stimulate the teaching and learning processes  through the use of active methodologies.

In the Future Classroom Lab:

  • Students work by competencies.
  • Technology is integrated.
  • Project-based learning is the methodology par excellence. 

Our Future Classroom Lab is divided into 5 zones, each with its corresponding color and equipment: exchange and interact, research and develop, create, present and expose, and gamify.

The use of the Future Classroom Lab and its integration into the dynamics of the center has allowed us to extend the new teaching methodologies to all students. The Future Classroom Lab and the use of new technologies facilitates the motivation and active participation of students, who are not only consumers but also creators of content.

Address: C/ Eugenio Lucas, s/n, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain

Contact: Headmaster/headmistress -
