Our 21st century classroom is a very large and bright space that allows us to work through different methodological currents according to the different interests of our Teaching Team. The main objective of our XXI century classroom is to work methodologies that are far from the traditional methodology, in which students can develop their talents through work in different areas in which the furniture is mobile, allowing teamwork and individualised work. There are several areas:
INVESTIGATE: equipped with artificial grass and puffs, creating a comfortable environment for research and dialogue, being able to use laptops and ipads.
INTERACT: equipped with movable chairs that facilitate group work.
DESIGN: equipped with high tables and chairs, perfect for working together in the creation of the project.
DEBATE: is exposed through a tiered space, through the use of Smart TV, projector, mobile whiteboard and projector.
CREATE: it is created thanks to chroma screen, light and sound equipment, robotics material, 3D printer, powerful desktop computer and all kinds of material of our IES.
PRESENT: our Smart TV allows us to share our screens in an agile way and present our final products.
Partnership: -
Address: Av. de los Estudiantes, s/n, 13300 Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real, Spain
Contact: Headmaster/headmistress - direccion@iesgregorioprieto.com
Website: https://somosdelprieto.com/index.php/portada/proyectos-2/aula-del-siglo-xxi-aula-del-futuro/