IES Javier García Téllez

The Future Classroom Lab is not technology-centred spaces; it uses technology as a tool to facilitate the use of active methodologies to favour competence learning, to improve cooperative work and to develop students' initiative. FCL is an initiative of the Regional Ministry of Education and Employment of the Regional Government of Extremadura for schools to transform their spaces and improve the learning conditions of students.

During the academic year 2021/2022 our school has joined the project of the Junta de Extremadura. We are going to adapt some spaces in order to carry out the appropriate methodologies for the Future Classroom Lab.

In order to facilitate the organisation in smaller classrooms, the FCL programme proposes an alternative model of distribution of four areas, thinking of those schools that have space problems:

  • Presentation and exchange area oriented to the promotion of linguistic, communicative, social and civic competences, as well as collaboration, self-regulation and empathy skills. It will facilitate the exchange of information, collaborative work, the development of debates and formative assessment.
  • Interaction and exploration zone aimed at fostering creativity, imagination, innovation and a sense of initiative, through the development of logical, computational, divergent and lateral thinking, empathic capacity, collaboration and self-regulation.
  • Research and experimentation area aimed at promoting the processes of observation and experimentation, the development of projects in any subject, through enquiry and research activities that encourage critical thinking and the ability to solve problems. It will encourage student collaboration, creativity and innovation, perseverance, logical reasoning and the ability to learn to learn.
  • Creation and development area, which will facilitate the creation of digital products by students in order to foster their creativity, their capacity for innovation, collaboration, determination and problem-solving, as well as their ability to learn to learn.

Partnership: -

Address: Av. de Cervantes, 48, 10005 Cáceres, Spain

Contact: Headmaster/headmistress -
