IES José de Mora

The Future Classroom Lab at IES José de Mora de Baza (Granada) is the result of the firm commitment to improve teaching-learning methodologies and practices with our students. It has different scenarios: Investigate, Develop, Create, Present, Explore and Interact. The versatile furniture facilitates different groupings of students with movable tables that can be formed into a circle as well as high tables with stools for tasks that require greater manual dexterity. The "Present" area features cushioned seating that creates a small discussion forum and an interactive screen.

It has a wall with a green chroma key background, two cabinets equipped with 16 computers each, as well as robotics equipment (Lego Mindstorm, Microbit + Maqueen robot, MakeBlock, among others) and virtual reality and 3D printing technology.

Partnership: -

Address: C/Blas Infante, 9 CP 18800 Baza, Granada

Contact: Headmaster/headmistress -
