IES Princesa Galiana

IES Princesa Galiana has made a significant investment in innovative educational furniture and resources to create the Future Classroom Lab, a space divided into areas of exploration, development, creation, interaction, presentation and research. We will continue to provide it with innovative technology, such as 3D glasses, virtual reality and chroma.

Its implementation has entailed a methodological change that involves the use of new technologies, the promotion of interdisciplinary and collaborative work, as well as the promotion of active methodologies and the development of competencies and meaningful learning for both students and teachers. In addition, training has been provided to teachers, improving their digital competence. Currently, the project is in the process of generating impacts on the environment and creating new materials, confirming our commitment to educational innovation.

Partnership: -

Address: Av. de Santa Bárbara, 98, CP 45006 Toledo

Contact: Headmaster/headmistress -
