IES Valle de Aller

The objectives of IES Valle de Aller have always been articulated around coexistence, participation, multiple literacy, as well as the integration and inclusive use of ICT, gradually incorporating active methodologies in open and flexible spaces, and supporting the development of a sustainable economy.

The adoption and improvement of innovative methodologies have always been carried out through working groups, with the teachers themselves being responsible for training their peers. From these groups, interdisciplinary projects are proposed and coordinated, which are implemented throughout the course.

In this way, and after deepening in the concept and transformation of spaces, the European project Open Spaces, allows us to intervene in the development of our Dynamic Classroom, giving it a Future Classroom Lab identity, in which we add an area that is part of the commitment of our center with the ODS goals, the eErre Zone.

Partnership: -

Address: Barrio Sotiello, s/n, 33670, Moreda de Aller, Asturias, Spain

Contact: Headmaster/headmistress -
