IESO Sierra La Mesta

The IESO Sierra la Mesta has been applying the MAIC program (Methodologies Active Interdisciplinary Competence) since the 16-17 course in a clear commitment to an education of the XXI century. The ingredients of MAIC are Active Methodologies, Interdisciplinary projects breaking the stagnation between subjects, the use of ICTs as a tool for learning and content creation, connection with learning in real situations, fostering creativity and teamwork of students and teachers. The students carry out an average of 15 interdisciplinary projects per year.

This programme is carried out in an ordinary way in the centre occupying a third of the school timetable, so it is common that several classes are working on different projects simultaneously, this has made us rethink the spaces of the centre to adapt to the different needs, understanding the change of spaces throughout the centre and not concentrated in a classroom or specific space.

The most significant changes of spaces in the centre have been the creation of a chroma space for recording videos and a radio space for recording podcasts, improvement of the library with flexible spaces with a presentation and exchange area, use of corridors for group tasks or use of different spaces as laboratories, workshops to carry out work or research and creative tasks. These spaces are used according to student demand and it is they who come depending on the need, thus forming a Future Classroom Lab Centre.

As an evolution of the MAIC programme we have created a space to promote entrepreneurship through ApS projects and with techniques such as design thinking as an engine for generating ideas, which we have called MAIC IA+ (Idea-Act-Add).

The change of spaces comes hand in hand with the methodological change and this is reached through reflection and change of mentality by the faculty that makes up the IESO Sierra la Mesta.

Partnership: -

Address: Avda. Ordicia, 1, 06410 Santa Amalia, Badajoz, Spain

Contact: Headmaster/headmistress - 
