IESO Vía Dalmacia is located in Torrejoncillo, Cáceres, Extremadura. It has a total of 230 students and 34 teachers who teach Compulsory Secondary Education, Basic Vocational Training and Intermediate Level Cycles (Microcomputer Systems and Networks, Pharmacy and Parapharmacy). Since its beginnings in 2004, it has been distinguished by a very serious and careful work on School Coexistence, working on the one hand on discipline and at the same time on school mediation as a tool for conflict resolution. From very early on we began to change the concept of Educational Community to Educational Family, offering equal opportunities and the inclusion of all pupils.
Our school is characterised by its own innovative style: project work and the use of active methodologies, motivating and encouraging creativity, personal initiative, critical and logical thinking, collaborative work and problem solving. The Future Classroom Lab complements and unifies in the same space the development of different projects, activities and tasks that have been carried out on a daily basis at IESO Vía Dalmacia for many years.
All of this emphasising an educational climate seeking sustainable and committed practices and the pursuit of the greatest of our objectives: the HAPPINESS of all our students.
Partnership: -
Address: Av. de la Fuente de Beber, 0, 10830 Torrejoncillo, Cáceres, Spain
Contact: Headmaster/headmistress -